• src/conio/allfonts.c ciolib.h sdl_con.c utf8_codepages.c utf8_codepages.h win32cio.c x_events.c

    From deuce@VERT to CVS commit on Thursday, April 16, 2020 09:55:36
    src/conio allfonts.c 1.14 1.15 ciolib.h 1.114 1.115 sdl_con.c 1.287 1.288 utf8_codepages.c 1.4 1.5 utf8_codepages.h 1.3 1.4 win32cio.c 1.108 1.109 x_events.c 1.65 1.66
    Update of /cvsroot/sbbs/src/conio
    In directory cvs:/tmp/cvs-serv8771/conio

    Modified Files:
    allfonts.c ciolib.h sdl_con.c utf8_codepages.c
    utf8_codepages.h win32cio.c x_events.c
    Log Message:
    Give each font a codepage.
    getcliptext() and copytext() (ie: copy/paste) now work on UTF-8 strings.
    Not tested on Win32 yet.

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net