• src/sbbs3/sbbs.h login.cpp main.cpp

    From rswindell@VERT to CVS commit on Wednesday, April 04, 2018 12:10:02
    src/sbbs3 sbbs.h 1.477 1.478 login.cpp 1.25 1.26 main.cpp 1.707 1.708
    Update of /cvsroot/sbbs/src/sbbs3
    In directory cvs:/tmp/cvs-serv25754

    Modified Files:
    sbbs.h login.cpp main.cpp
    Log Message:
    sbbs_t::badlogin() now accepts 3 more (optional) arguments which allow us
    to use this function in bbs_thread() for SSH failed login attempts and thus enable the perm-IP-filtering (LoginAttemptFilterThreshold) functionality.
    Right now, it's only a "bad login" if the "Getting channel type" doesn't
    return "session", but we could (and likely will) use it for more SSH login failure modes which indicate a likely hack-attempt.

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net