• src/sbbs3/GNUmakefile objects.mk sbbscon.c targets.mk

    From deuce@VERT to CVS commit on Friday, March 16, 2018 22:43:39
    src/sbbs3 GNUmakefile 1.229 1.230 objects.mk 1.68 1.69 sbbscon.c 1.266 1.267 targets.mk 1.45 1.46
    Update of /cvsroot/sbbs/src/sbbs3
    In directory cvs:/tmp/cvs-serv20159

    Modified Files:
    GNUmakefile objects.mk sbbscon.c targets.mk
    Log Message:
    Tie the new out of process thing into the build... not tested on Linux or Windows

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