• src/sbbs3/js_socket.c js_socket.h load_cfg.c scfgdefs.h services.c ssl.c websrvr.c

    From deuce@VERT to CVS commit on Friday, March 02, 2018 18:02:32
    src/sbbs3 js_socket.c 1.191 1.192 js_socket.h 1.4 1.5 load_cfg.c 1.71 1.72 scfgdefs.h 1.43 1.44 services.c 1.307 1.308 ssl.c 1.23 1.24 websrvr.c 1.653 1.654
    Update of /cvsroot/sbbs/src/sbbs3
    In directory cvs:/tmp/cvs-serv30690

    Modified Files:
    js_socket.c js_socket.h load_cfg.c scfgdefs.h services.c ssl.c
    Log Message:
    Store the certificate context in scfg_t. This allows static services to be
    TLS servers without all of them needing to separately load the ssl certificate.

    It's destroyed in free_scfg(), and the config *must* be prepped both to
    destroy the certificate and to load it. This is because the "no cert"
    value is -1, not 0, so the prepped flag is all we really have to indicate
    if it's zero because it's a valid certificate or zero because no certificate has been loaded.

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