• src/sbbs3/umonitor/spyon.c umonitor.c

    From deuce@VERT to CVS commit on Tuesday, February 13, 2018 00:11:31
    src/sbbs3/umonitor spyon.c 1.13 1.14 umonitor.c 1.81 1.82
    Update of /cvsroot/sbbs/src/sbbs3/umonitor
    In directory cvs:/tmp/cvs-serv21898/sbbs3/umonitor

    Modified Files:
    spyon.c umonitor.c
    Log Message:
    Eliminate pputtext() and pgettext() in favour of vmem_puttext() and vmem_gettext()
    Update scrollback to use vmem_gettext()
    Update all the things I previously updated for the new cterm_init() prototype

    So now I expect things to work again... though X11 mode may have issues,
    and SDL overlay mode is dog slow.

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