• src/sbbs3/chat.cpp execfile.cpp execmsg.cpp getmsg.cpp prntfile.cpp sbbs.h str.cpp text_sec.cpp writemsg.cpp xtrn_sec.cpp

    From rswindell@VERT to CVS commit on Sunday, January 07, 2018 15:00:26
    src/sbbs3 chat.cpp 1.72 1.73 execfile.cpp 1.13 1.14 execmsg.cpp 1.9 1.10 getmsg.cpp 1.69 1.70 prntfile.cpp 1.21 1.22 sbbs.h 1.460 1.461 str.cpp 1.75 1.76 text_sec.cpp 1.13 1.14 writemsg.cpp 1.117 1.118 xtrn_sec.cpp 1.81 1.82
    Update of /cvsroot/sbbs/src/sbbs3
    In directory cvs:/tmp/cvs-serv6492

    Modified Files:
    chat.cpp execfile.cpp execmsg.cpp getmsg.cpp prntfile.cpp
    sbbs.h str.cpp text_sec.cpp writemsg.cpp xtrn_sec.cpp
    Log Message:
    Create and use sbbs_t::menu_exists() - solves a couple of long-standing issues: - if the sysop had text/menu/<filename>.bak (for example), the optoinal menu
    would attempt to load, resulting in an error ("<filename>.asc not found")
    - if the sysop specified menu_file or menu_dir (e.g. via Baja), the existing
    checks for optional menu file existance would not work

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net