• src/sbbs3/ctrl/FtpFormUnit.cpp MailFormUnit.cpp MainFormUnit.cpp ServicesFormUnit.cpp TelnetFormUnit.cpp WebFormUnit.cpp

    From rswindell@VERT to CVS commit on Monday, November 27, 2017 21:21:28
    src/sbbs3/ctrl FtpFormUnit.cpp 1.5 1.6 MailFormUnit.cpp 1.4 1.5 MainFormUnit.cpp 1.194 1.195 ServicesFormUnit.cpp 1.4 1.5 TelnetFormUnit.cpp 1.5 1.6 WebFormUnit.cpp 1.3 1.4
    Update of /cvsroot/sbbs/src/sbbs3/ctrl
    In directory cvs:/tmp/cvs-serv17714

    Modified Files:
    FtpFormUnit.cpp MailFormUnit.cpp MainFormUnit.cpp
    ServicesFormUnit.cpp TelnetFormUnit.cpp WebFormUnit.cpp
    Log Message:
    Don't re-save the sbbs.ini file every time the sysop uses the log level up/down controls. Since Nov-28-2016, this would trigger a recycle of all the servers, which was really unecessary. So instead, just make sure we save the .ini file when the program closes (in addition to the other times its saved).

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net