• addfiles

    From Fidde@VERT to Digital Man on Thursday, October 26, 2017 17:39:53
    When I using addfiles -s it also import my files.bbs to database,
    it is possible to skip to import that file?? Have tried to make it
    hidden but is imported always.


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  • From Digital Man@VERT to Fidde on Thursday, October 26, 2017 11:07:05
    Re: addfiles
    By: Fidde to Digital Man on Thu Oct 26 2017 05:39 pm

    When I using addfiles -s it also import my files.bbs to database,
    it is possible to skip to import that file?? Have tried to make it
    hidden but is imported always.

    The assumption is, if you have a files.bbs file, you'd want to import that and *not* perform a "search" (-s) function. Is there a reason you're not importing the files.bbs file? Can you just delete that file if you don't need it.

    digital man

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