From Kirkman@VERT/GUARDIAN to All on Tuesday, April 19, 2016 15:06:56
    Rob or Deuce,

    How difficult would it be to add to Synchronet support for character sets other than ASCII/ANSI? For example, ATASCII or PETSCII, which SyncTerm already supports? The idea being that if a user connected using an Atari 8-bit terminal, they'd get ATASCII menus/interface (if such menu files existed on the BBS).

    Is this something that could be added by patching a few spots in the code, or would it be like a giant overhaul of the whole system?

    I'm asking this out of curiosity, _not_ making a feature request.


    BiC -=- http://breakintochat.com -=- bbs wiki and blog

    þ Synchronet
  • From Deuce@VERT/BBSDEV to Kirkman on Tuesday, April 19, 2016 21:01:46
    By: Kirkman to All on Tue Apr 19 2016 03:06 pm

    How difficult would it be to add to Synchronet support for character sets other than ASCII/ANSI? For example, ATASCII or PETSCII, which SyncTerm already supports? The idea being that if a user connected using an Atari 8-bit terminal, they'd get ATASCII menus/interface (if such menu files existed on the BBS).

    It really depends on what is meant by "support" in this context... some stuff could be easily done, but other things are very hard. For things like ATASCII or PETSCII, the easiest way to do it would be to translate during TX/RX rather than internally which would make it difficult for the sysop to get exactly what is wanted.

    UTF-8 support is on my long-term TODO list, but it's going to be a long process with some breakage along the way... though it may provide a solution to the issue as well.

    Is this something that could be added by patching a few spots in the code, or would it be like a giant overhaul of the whole system?

    Patching a few spots could get close, but a proper job requires a giant overhaul.

    þ Synchronet þ The future of BBSing