• src/sbbs3/bulkmail.cpp email.cpp fido.cpp netmail.cpp postmsg.cpp sbbs.h writemsg.cpp xtrn_sec.cpp

    From rswindell@VERT to CVS commit on Wednesday, November 25, 2015 04:31:50
    src/sbbs3 bulkmail.cpp 1.34 1.35 email.cpp 1.60 1.61 fido.cpp 1.53 1.54 netmail.cpp 1.45 1.46 postmsg.cpp 1.96 1.97 sbbs.h 1.419 1.420 writemsg.cpp 1.109 1.110 xtrn_sec.cpp 1.78 1.79
    Update of /cvsroot/sbbs/src/sbbs3
    In directory cvs:/tmp/cvs-serv20481

    Modified Files:
    bulkmail.cpp email.cpp fido.cpp netmail.cpp postmsg.cpp sbbs.h
    writemsg.cpp xtrn_sec.cpp
    Log Message:
    Bug-fix: pass the 'from' name to writemsg() and editor_inf() so that the drop files and editors have the correct sender name in all situations (not just when posting on "real name only" sub-boards).
    "ANONYMOUS" postings work too, but mainly Internet & FidoNet Netmail were fixed.
    Use removecase() for NETMAIL.MSG (in case there's a lowercase version).
    Use subj in place of title and to in place of dest in argument names.
    Some constification of argument types.

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