• src/sbbs3/bat_xfer.cpp con_out.cpp data.cpp download.cpp email.cpp fido.cpp getkey.cpp getstr.cpp listfile.cpp netmail.cpp qwk.

    From rswindell@VERT to CVS commit on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 03:55:13
    src/sbbs3 bat_xfer.cpp 1.34 1.35 con_out.cpp 1.69 1.70 data.cpp 1.28 1.29 download.cpp 1.45 1.46 email.cpp 1.58 1.59 fido.cpp 1.50 1.51 getkey.cpp 1.43 1.44 getstr.cpp 1.27 1.28 listfile.cpp 1.56 1.57 netmail.cpp 1.44 1.45 qwk.cpp 1.60 1.61 text.h 1.17 1.18 upload.cpp 1.58 1.59 useredit.cpp 1.44 1.45
    Update of /cvsroot/sbbs/src/sbbs3
    In directory cvs:/tmp/cvs-serv27920

    Modified Files:
    bat_xfer.cpp con_out.cpp data.cpp download.cpp email.cpp
    fido.cpp getkey.cpp getstr.cpp listfile.cpp netmail.cpp
    qwk.cpp text.h upload.cpp useredit.cpp
    Log Message:
    Bug-fix: From the text.dat Yes/No/Quit/Password entry (YNQP), the 'Q' character was never used. This was intended to be a method for internationalization, letting the sysop change which key is used as the uiniversal "quit" key.
    This commit replaces most of the uses of the hard-coded 'Q' for quit wtih the 3rd charcter in the text.dat YNQP string. Some hard-coded menus still have the 'Q' key hard-coded and will need to be addressed later. The text.h YN index macro was changed to YNQP and the JS text index variable name will change
    as well.

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ telnet://vert.synchro.net