• xtrn/chickendelivery/chickendelivery.js ckndlvry.bin commands.js instruct.ans leveledit.js leveleditor.js levels.json service.j

    From echicken@VERT to CVS commit on Sunday, September 28, 2014 22:05:42
    xtrn/chickendelivery chickendelivery.js 1.3 1.4 ckndlvry.bin NONE 1.1 commands.js NONE 1.1 instruct.ans 1.2 1.3 leveledit.js NONE 1.1 leveleditor.js NONE 1.1 levels.json NONE 1.1 service.js NONE 1.1 sysop.doc 1.1 1.2
    Update of /cvsroot/sbbs/xtrn/chickendelivery
    In directory cvs:/tmp/cvs-serv16951

    Modified Files:
    chickendelivery.js instruct.ans sysop.doc
    Added Files:
    ckndlvry.bin commands.js leveledit.js leveleditor.js
    levels.json service.js
    Log Message:
    Rewritten for sprite.js. Faster; better scoreboard; restart up to your last played level; moving platforms; more enemies; 32 levels, more coming; probably full of bug like mircosoft. Requires update of exec/load/sprite.js. I won't support the level editor at this time and don't recommend using it unless you are me, and you probably are not.

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ telnet://vert.synchro.net
  • From Kirkman@VERT/GUARDIAN to echicken on Tuesday, September 30, 2014 14:29:17
    Re: xtrn/chickendelivery/chickendelivery.js ckndlvry.bin commands.js instr
    By: echicken to CVS commit on Sun Sep 28 2014 10:05 pm

    Rewritten for sprite.js. Faster; better scoreboard; restart up to your last played level; moving platforms; more enemies; 32 levels, more coming;

    Awesome. Can't wait to give it a try.


    BiC -=- http://breakintochat.com -=- bbs wiki and blog

    þ Synchronet