• Re: SJSS Issue?: The Gues

    From Time Warrior@VERT to Frank Reid on Friday, March 25, 2005 08:34:54
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet

    To: Frank Reid
    Re: Re: SJSS Issue?: The Gues
    By: Frank Reid to Angus Mcleod on Fri Mar 25 2005 02:08 pm

    To: Angus Mcleod
    Re: Re: SJSS Issue?: The Gues By: Angus Mcleod to Digital Man on Fri
    Mar 25 2005 08:07:00

    for now you can use http://user:pass@yourbbsaddress/

    Unfortunately Microsoft removed that functionality from IE a while bac

    What? Authenticated URLs?

    Yep. It was quickly exploited to allow redirection to a bad site by embedding that into the URL, and support was subsequently removed (I
    believe with IE 6 SP-1).

    Hrm.... Netscape seems to support it. Did they eliminate that flaw where as
    IE could not?

    | [TiME WaRRiOR] aka [Dave Kelso] AIM: Twar782 | ICQ: 25055930 |
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