From DesotoFireflite@VERT/VALHALLA to All on Wednesday, December 31, 2014 13:53:35
    Help an old tired mind out. I've done it before, but I forgot. I want to add a new CTRL command to the menu, Like CTRL-B. I can't remember, but is that something I add to the default.bin, or is there a place in the config set up to add or change or add CTRL commands, or both. Sorry for the stupid question, but the mind has just given up these days.... As always, thanks.

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  • From echicken@VERT/ECBBS to DesotoFireflite on Wednesday, December 31, 2014 15:11:23
    By: DesotoFireflite to All on Wed Dec 31 2014 13:53:35

    Help an old tired mind out. I've done it before, but I forgot. I want to add a new CTRL command to the menu, Like CTRL-B. I can't remember, but is that something I add to the default.bin, or is there a place in the config set up to add or change or add CTRL commands, or both. Sorry for the

    In scfg (BBS -> Configure from the Synchronet Control Panel on Windows) it's in External Programs -> Global Hot Key Events.

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com - 416-273-7230
    þ Synchronet þ electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
  • From DesotoFireflite@VERT/VALHALLA to echicken on Wednesday, December 31, 2014 18:03:07
    By: echicken to DesotoFireflite on Wed Dec 31 2014 03:11 pm

    In scfg (BBS -> Configure from the Synchronet Control Panel on Windows) it's in External Programs -> Global Hot Key Events.

    Man, thanks. I must be losing it. I looked everywhere, and I could not find it. I've done it before, but it got by me this time. Thanks my friend.

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    - C.G. Learn
    - Valhalla Home Services! - Telnet://valhalla.synchro.net
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