• debian packageing

    From Jame Clay@VERT/ROCASA to Time Warrior on Sunday, March 16, 2008 21:46:00

    Well right now, the only thing keeping us from v0.01

    I about have a v0.1 package done; it appears to install & uninstall properly, but just needs a few
    more tweaks to it. Like some example .ini files, for instance, which I hope to develop by actually
    running what I've been able to get to install...<g>

    is the final tweaking of
    the installer script (bash) that creates the *.deb file.

    "that creates the *.deb file"? Isn't that the hard way to go about it?
    It can be done that way, but
    there are other ways to do it...

    I use debhelper, which is a standard set of scripts that can be used in the rules file in the debian
    directory to do the work needed for creating a debian package. Makes it a lot easier to go about
    createing a new debian package...
    Including creating an initial set of files in a debian directory to work with, which can be done by
    one called dh_make. It's what i use to start with on anything but a really simple package... (For
    instance, a debian package to install another web template for Synchronet likely would not need to be
    very complex & could likely be developed from a small set of template files...)

    (seeing as you're making your own *.deb anyways this should be at least somewhat easy for you).

    To be able to help, I'd need to see what you all have. Do you have it available somewhere? Or
    one of you could send it to me...

    svn://rocasa.org/syncdeb/synchronet/trunk/debian http://rocasa.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/syncdeb/synchronet

    þ Synchronet þ xphme.rocasa.net