• The Dragon's Lair BBS

    From The Drifter@VERT/THEWASTE to All on Saturday, February 09, 2008 13:44:00
    The Dragon's Lair BBS, whic horiginally ran from 1989-1995 in Attleboro Mass, is backup as an html bbs. Software is custom written running under Linux. Mesaage areas for ham radio also on bbs, and file areas.


    The Drifter, (N1LQJ) Mesa, AZ

    ž Synchronet ž The Wastelands BBS - wastelands-bbs.net
  • From MRoblivious1bmf@VERT to The Drifter on Sunday, February 10, 2008 00:55:56
    To: The Drifter
    .,: This is something about The Dragon's Lair BBS,
    The Drifter said it to All on Sat Feb 09 2008 01:44 pm --ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ
    The Dragon's Lair BBS, whic horiginally ran from 1989-1995 in Attleboro Mass is backup as an html bbs. Software is custom written running under Linux. Mesaage areas for ham radio also on bbs, and file areas.


    you mean a FORUM

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    |08ųłś.[|04Edge of oblivion bbs |12eob-bbs.com|08].śłų|15

    --- Synchronet 3.14a-Win32 NewsLink 1.85
    * eob - Racine, WisconSIN - telnet://eob-bbs.com
    ž Synchronet ž Vertrauen ž Home of Synchronet ž telnet://vert.synchro.net
  • From Spiffwiggler@VERT/NEXXUS1 to The Drifter on Sunday, February 10, 2008 03:03:00
    Re: The Dragon's Lair BBS
    By: The Drifter to All on Sat Feb 09 2008 13:44:00

    The Dragon's Lair BBS, whic horiginally ran from 1989-1995 in Attleboro Mass is backup as an html bbs. Software is custom written running under Linux. Mesaage areas for ham radio also on bbs, and file areas.


    The Drifter, (N1LQJ) Mesa, AZ

    Cool! I will have to check it out!
    -Rev. Michael E. Washburn

    ž Synchronet ž SpiffWiggler BBS *telnet://nexxus1.synchro.net* Taunton, MA