• ARISS Space Station APRS Packet System Currently Off Line

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Friday, January 26, 2018 18:32:01

    The ARISS[1] APRS packet system is not working at present. This is due to an as-yet unidentified anomaly involving the radio serving the system on board the ISS. A similar problem has occurred in the past, and steps taken to resolve the problem have proven to be only temporary.

    "The system may return to service as it has in the past or it may have finally failed completely," ARISS said in a statement. "ARISS sees the delivery of the interoperable radio system as the true solution to securing our ARISS packet operation." The target for delivery and installation of the replacement system is this coming fall.

    In the meantime, ARISS said it's continuing to investigate the problem and attempt to fix it. "The ARISS team knows many Amateur Radio operators really enjoy using the ARISS APRS packet system, and thanks everyone for understanding the issues involved with not having it available."

    [1] http://www.ariss.org/

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