• Kristen McIntyre, K6WX, Appointed ARRL Pacific Division Vice Director

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Friday, January 26, 2018 14:31:58

    Kristen McIntyre, K6WX, of Fremont, California, has been appointed Pacific Division Vice Director, ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, has announced. The appointment came upon the recommendation of Director Jim Tiemstra, K6JAT, who succeeded long-time Pacific Division Director Bob Vallio, W6RGG, upon Vallio's election as ARRL Second Vice President.

    McIntyre, who has served as ARRL Technical Coordinator for the East Bay Section, says on her QRZ.com profile that she's been interested in radio since she was about 5 years old. She got her Technician ticket in the late 1970s while a student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After letting her license expire, she re-licensed and obtained her Amateur Extra license.

    She also is licensed in Japan, her second home, as JI1IZZ. McIntyre is president of the Palo Alto Amateur Radio Club and is a senior software engineer at Apple.ÿ

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