• Electrifying New On-Air Event Planned

    From Ham Hijinks de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Wednesday, November 29, 2017 21:56:46
    NNEWINGSTEAD, VT - The National Radio Retransmission Legion today unveiled plans
    for next year's much anticipated amateur radio operating event.

    The "International Power Grid Chase 2018" will encourage ham radio operators to get on the air from utility poles and electrical sub-stations around the world. Each location is identified by a unique 6 character code which every operator will be forced to look up multiple times during an activation because, honestly, they're pretty hard to remember.

    NRRL CEO Bob Gilligan - adjusting his ascot and repositioning his captain's hat - says the "International Power Grid Chase 2018" idea has been in the works for some time.

    "Admittedly, we struggled a bit to come up with something with the same strong sex appeal as 2016's NPOOTA (National Pizza Ovens On The Air[1]). As I sailed around the cape aboard my 37 foot yacht watching the seagulls snap up the mackerel, I realized it's hard to surpass the combined excitement of a stuffed crust pepperoni pizza and RF. But we really think we're onto something electrifying now!"

    Here's How You Can Get In On The International Power Grid Chase 2018.

    The goal of the NRRL International Power Grid Chase is simple - work as many portable stations set up at utility poles and electrical sub-stations as possible.

    Then, upload your contact to the NRRL's Logbook of the Globe (LOG). And if you're not registered with LOG, now's a good time to start!ÿIt's absolutely free and will only take 2.75 hours to register. Soon, you'll get a postcard in the mail with a password - but that's not the password you use to login. So watch for an email blast from NRRL with connection information on how to retrieve your access code and get into the double-blind Linux server. Then you're ready to start your Power Grid chase!

    Every new power pole or electrical substation you contact counts towards your monthly total. And if you set up a portable station and activate a power pole or electrical substation (note: ground rods strongly encouraged) you get double the points!

    Each month, you can check out the leaderboard and see how your QSO totals rank among your fellow hams. We'll do all the hard math work for you because after getting set up with Logbook of the Globe - you'll be bushed!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: Can I set up at any power pole or electrical substation? Does it have to be one on my property?
    A: Any available power pole or electrical substation is available for activation.

    Q: Can I set up at a power pole or electrical substation on my in-laws property?
    A: Any available power pole or electrical substation is available for activation.

    Q: How close do I need to be to the power pole or the electrical substation?
    A: You should be within 20 feet, unless you are feeling the tiny hairs on the back of your neck stand up - then it is advised to move.

    Q: I have an electrical power generating dam near my QTH. Can I set up there? A: We have not yet implemented The DAM INTERNATIONAL POWERGRID CHASE at this time.

    Q: Can I activate the power meter on the side of my house?
    A: Not sure we understand the question.

    Q: How many power poles and electrical substations are available to be activated?
    A: So, so, so many. And you'll find that some are literally in the middle of nowhere! We suspect some hams will drive around the United States trying to activate all of them. But surprise! You can't drive to the South Pole.

    Q: Will you have operating awards at the end of the year for the most International Power Grid contacts?
    A: There will be terrific prizes available! (Fees apply and do not include shipping or handling.)

    ### HamHijinks.com

    photo credit: Leonid Yaitskiy Power[2] via photopin[3] (license)[4]

    [1] http://hamhijinks.com/nrrl-announces-npoota-updates-2/
    [2] http://www.flickr.com/photos/40369546@N00/16440093826
    [3] http://photopin.com
    [4] https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/

    þ Synchronet þ Whiskey Lover's Amateur Radio BBS