• CR Radio Emergency Networ

    From W6RAY@VERT/US99 to Gdb on Sunday, April 03, 2011 10:43:00
    Gdb wrote to Dreamer <=-

    Hi all....with the current state of affairs....looking at setting up an emergency network.
    Most people cannot afford a ham rig....but there are many CB radio out th Was thinking local people can connect to a central hub bbs that then has radio than can call another bbs much further away.

    There are a lot of good deals on EBay for Hams looking for inexpensive equipment. I
    have heard talk of items for sale on QRZ.COM, or some place similar. Most of these
    items are cheaper than a CB radio.

    Kinda like the whole modem deal of old.....but replacing the connection b the 2 computers with a cb and/or ham radio.
    Anybody got any suggestions/ideas on this?

    There are areas of the country that do this. Michigan has one such network. I cannot
    remember the URL for their web site, but Google is your friend. Of course, those who
    have the resources can always use DSTAR. You can send data on 2m, 70cm, and have a
    higher bandwidth on 23cm. the 23cm DSTAR can also be used for Internet-type traffic,
    which includes email, web browsing, etc.

    It'll have to be over amateur radio frequencies... the government only licenses citizen's band for voice traffic.

    Most of this is done in the two meter band. Some are at higher frequencies. Our local BBS (currently down due to computer failure and too much snow on the ground
    at the site, 7500 feet) runs JNOS on a Linux operating system. The site covers A LOT
    of territory on two meters and 70 centimeters with a six meter link in the planning
    stages to link to other hill tops here in Central California. Again, for the frequencies, Goodle is a great source of information regarding the band plans. Depending on your area, you might find this already in place, or find someone to
    assist you. A local amateur radio club is a good place to start. Your local area may
    have a slightly different band plan. Where I am located it is NARCC (www.narcc.org) and NCPA (www.n0ary.org/ncpa).

    73 de Ray W6RAY
    Visalia, CA DM06ih

    ... When all else fails - Ham radio WORKS!
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