• ARRL Posts Amateur Radio Parity Act FAQs

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Monday, August 07, 2017 18:42:39

    The Amateur Radio Parity Act[1] of 2017 is now in the US Senate (S. 1534). ARRL has developed and posted a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs), "The Amateur Radio Parity Act: Setting the Record Straight[2]," to explain and to clarify what the passage of the legislation would accomplish - as well as what it would not.

    "There has been so much misinformation floating around on forums, blogs, podcasts, etc. regarding the Amateur Radio Parity Act, that we realized a listing of facts as to what the bill is and what it does was long overdue," said ARRL Hudson Division Director Mike Lisenco, N2YBB, who chairs the ARRL Board's ad hoc Legislative Advocacy Committee.

    ARRL General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, prepared the FAQ on behalf of the Board of Directors and its ad hoc Legislative Advocacy Committee.

    "We trust that this will address any concerns you may have had about the legislation," Lisenco said. "Let's buckle down and get this bill passed. We can only do this with your help."

    Senators Roger Wicker (R-MS) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) co-sponsored S. 1534, which was introduced in the US Senate on July 12, marking another step forward for this landmark legislation. The measure will, for the first time, guarantee all radio amateurs living in deed-restricted communities governed by a homeowner's association (HOA) or subject to any private land use regulations, the right to erect and maintain effective outdoor antennas at their homes. Senate bill S. 1534 is identical to House bill H.R. 555, which passed in January.


    [1] http://www.arrl.org/amateur-radio-parity-act
    [2] http://www.arrl.org/amateur-radio-parity-act

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