• Virgin Islands Weather Net Founder, Repeater Network Pioneer George B. Cline, KP2G, SK

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Tuesday, February 09, 2016 15:04:14

    George B. Cline, KP2G, of St John, Virgin Islands, died on January 11. He was 79. For many years Cline served as a radio dispatcher for St John Rescue, and he was a member of the St John Amateur Radio Club. In 1994, Cline initiated the Virgin Islands Weather Net to provide weather updates and critical weather information for the greater Virgin Islands community.

    He also spearheaded a project to place several repeaters on St John Island and throughout the local Caribbean area to close communication gaps for emergency responders and ARES teams. In addition he worked with St John Rescue and ARES to develop a cross-band repeater on four islands, to reach remote areas throughout Virgin Islands National Park.

    He served as a net control for the Caribbean Net on 40 meters and provided weather information to the boating community. As an ARES member, he was among those taking part in hurricane disaster responses.

    A native of New York, Cline served for 25 years on the faculty of the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He was an ARRL member.ÿ

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