• Fun band opening

    From Tim Wray@VERT/BACKWOOD to All on Thursday, July 16, 2015 14:20:26
    We've had an awesome 2m and up band opening most all day today in the Indiana/Ohio area, mostly to my east/northeast...I've made simplex 2m FM contacts as far out as 200 miles from a basic mobile setup in the car, and worked several contacts on as many repeaters as I could program in!

    Good lasting VHF/UFH openings can be hard to catch!

    Made for a great lunch hour today!

    73 de KB9SNL

    Tim Wray, Sysop - Backwood Realm BBS
    telnet: bwrbbs.ddns.net web:home.backwoodrealm.com

    þ Synchronet þ The Backwood Realm BBS - bwrbbs.ddns.net - The heart of Southern Indiana