• FLDigi

    From GreenMonkey@VERT/ECBBS to All on Thursday, May 02, 2013 23:38:17
    I have never used HRD...but I use Linux in the shack, so FLDigi was my choice. I did use another digial program before finding FLDigi...can't recall the name right now though.

    You're right in there not being an auto send/receive switch in FLDigi. When I type my message, I can make it almost semi-automatic by adding "/R" (I think) at the end of the message. I then hit the TRX button (one of the F keys) and when it gets done sending, it drops back to receive.

    Like echicken, I don't do much digital on HF, but I do enjoy it when I do and FLDigi is easy to deal with.

    Is most everyone using a SignaLink to interface the computer and radio or did you build your own? I built mine using a plan I found online a few years ago. Here's the plan and some pics of my interface.


    I use it with my Yaesu FT-900.

    Maybe should have a digital meetup on the air one evening!


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